As A Participant


As A Participant

 If you are aged between 14 and 24 years, you can participate in the Award for self-challenging, educational and non-academic programmes in services, skills, adventurous journeys and physical recreation to help develop yourself as a balanced individual: 


  • 14 years for all Participants.


  • 15 years for direct entrants.
  • 14 years and a half for Bronze Award Holders.


  • 16 years for direct entrants.
  • 15 years and a half for Silver Award Holders.

The minimum time period for completing the Award's four programms at the three levels of the Award and the Outdoor Residential Programme for the gold level is:

  •  Bronze: 6 months.
  •  Silver: 12 months.
  • Gold: 18 months.

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